General Terminology

Transits are the most obvious and immediately evident way in which astrological influences can be shown to continue beyond the natal horoscope. They are a rich and complex means of exploring and suggesting ongoing opportunities for personal/psychological development within, not only an individual, but also within Families, and Countries.
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General Terminology

Post by Lilith78 »

I am hoping to start a new thread, on what is probably an old topic. If this topic lives up to my dreams, then it will become a glossary of terms for Astrology. Hopefully, people will contribute by giving their two cents on what word means what and also help other novice astrologist understand the various terms frequently used in astrology. Please let me know if there is another thread that already satisfies the purpose I just mentioned.

The first term I am having difficulty understanding is transit. If my understanding is sound, then transit has a complex meaning. In my chart, my Sun is in Pisces. Rather, I have a Piscean Sun. If Jupiter is in transit, then Jupiter is in Pisces. Furthermore, when Jupiter enters Pisces in the future, then one is validly able to say, "Jupiter is transit Pisces." Please let me know if my example accurately describes transit.

There are many other terms I fail to grasp, and I am guessing people reading this discussion have terms they want to learn more about. So please do not be shy and mention the words you wish to gain clarity on.
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Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:24 am

Re: General Terminology

Post by Lilith78 »

What does "transit" mean?
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